Sunday, May 08, 2011

I feel the here is August of 2010

So after a month went by and I hadn't posted anything new to the blog, my sister-in-law sends me a message saying, basically, "What was that about being back to blogging?" She's right, and I need nudges like that, so here goes. I believe I left off last July, so here is August - at least as far as I remember it:

Christopher started kindergarten on the same day that I went back to school too, but he was a first-time student and I was a first-time teacher. No pictures of my first day of school, but here is Christopher's.

I was worried that he would get nervous and want me to take him to school, but he was so excited to ride the bus that he jumped right on and never looked back. I was hoping for a picture of him getting on the bus, but he got on there so fast that this is all I got as the bus drove away:

1 comment:

Beth said...

Seeing you post back months makes me feel better about me also trying to catch up on my blog! I'll be anxiously waiting for posts on September, October, November, . . . :)!