Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rain, rain, go away...

Wow. We just got about three inches of rain in about two hours. Our lawn is a pond, the streets in front of and behind our house are streams, the drainage wash behind the house is literally flowing like a river (you can even hear it flowing), and Matt is out draining the pool because it was almost full up to the top. That's a lot of rain. We also had some really close lightning strikes. It's welcome rain, but it sure was a lot at one time. I'm actually curious to watch the news tonight and see what the technical rainfall amount was. Only in Arizona does the weather become the top story of the night when it rains!


Julie said...

I was out driving and I serously thought I was going to be washed away. I couldn't see sometimes. It was pretty freaky!

Unknown said...

Matt was out in it too and I was a little bit worried. He was driving across town for softball games that they actually didn't officially cancel until he pulled into the parking lot! The engineer in him picked Brown Road for part of his drive home because it had the most recent improvements on it and he felt like the water would be flowing off the road better there than on some of the other roads.