Saturday, October 07, 2006

Heaven for the boys!

Christopher got sheared this week by a really scary lady at Great Clips. I told her I wanted it shorter, but she didn't hear the part about using the scissors on top. She took the clippers right over his head. Luckily Grandma Truitt is on vacation for three weeks and it'll have a chance to grow back a little before she gets home! She likes it a little longer than this.

Nothing like a big pile of dirt to keep the boys occupied for awhile in the evening. Matt ended up with an eyeful of dirt when Christopher pulled his arm back for a big throw, but after a lot of rinsing we think he'll keep his sight in that eye. ;) Christopher later discovered how to slide down the backslope on his belly, just like the slide at the park!


Joshua said...

that is a pretty sharp haircut... i knew they were expanding the elgible age range for enlistment in the armed services but i still thought christopher had some more time.

Unknown said...

Hi Joshua - Is it too uncool to communicate with you on our very own posting page? Either way, I did tell the lady doing the haircut that Matt was going to be asking me if I was getting ready to send the kid to boot camp!